¿En qué época del año se suelen consumir estos platos

It is no secret that different foods are associated with different seasons. In fact, our diets change quite a bit depending on the time of year. This is especially true when it comes to fruits and vegetables. While we may enjoy certain dishes all year round, there are others that are only really good during specific times of the year. This is often because they are made with ingredients that are only in season during certain months. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most popular seasonal dishes in Spain and when you can enjoy them.

One of the most popular springtime dishes in Spain is gazpacho. This cold soup is typically made with tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, garlic, olive oil, vinegar, and salt. It is refreshing and perfect for warm days. Gazpacho is usually served with croutons, diced vegetables, or hard-boiled eggs.

Another great option for springtime is ensalada primavera. This dish is made with fresh vegetables like tomatoes, onions, peppers, and cucumbers. It is then typically dressed with olive oil and vinegar. You can also find versions of this dish that include ingredients like tuna, hard-boiled eggs, or cheese.

If you’re looking for something a little heartier, try cocido madrileño. This traditional dish from Madrid is made with chickpeas, ham, chorizo, bacon, vegetables, and potatoes. It is usually served with bread on the side. Cocido madrileño is the perfect meal for a cold day.

As the weather starts to get warmer, you may want to try calçots con salsa romesco. Calçots are a type of onion that is grilled and then served with a delicious sauce made with roasted red peppers, almonds, garlic, and olive oil. This dish is typically served as a starter but can also be enjoyed as a main course.

Spring isn’t the only time of year for great food in Spain. Summertime brings its own set of seasonal dishes that you’re sure to love. One of the most popular summertime staples is paella. This dish is made with rice, chicken, seafood, vegetables, and spices. It is traditionally cooked in a large pan over an open fire. Paella is the perfect meal to share with friends on a hot day.

Another great option for summertime is gazpacho Andaluz. This soup is similar to the traditional gazpacho but includes ingredients like watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew melon. Gazpacho Andaluz is refreshing and perfect for a warm day.

If you’re looking for something a little more substantial, try arroz con pollo. This dish is made with chicken, rice, peas, and saffron. It is traditionally cooked in a clay pot and can be served either hot or cold. Arroz con pollo makes a great lunch or dinner option on a hot day.

As fall starts to roll around, you may want to try some of the seasonal dishes that are popular at this time of year. One of the most popular options is fabada asturiana. This dish is made with white beans, pork sausage, black pudding, and saffron. It is typically served with Asturian cheese on the side. Fabada asturiana is perfect for a cool day or evening.

Another great choice for fall is caldo gallego. This soup is made with potatoes, turnips, kale, chorizo​ sausage​ smoked pork​ ham​ onion​ garlic​ and broth​ . Caldo gallego is typically served with bread on the side